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Posts published in October 2018

October 17, 2018

Peter 18

We are packing the car for our departure tomorrow to Jo’burg. Miracles do happen since Lisa has reduced our luggage to a minimum so we have plenty of space. Our…

15 oktober 2018

Peter 4

Dysselsdorp, the birthplace of Lisa, is a small town in the Klein Karoo with approximately 12.000 inhabitants. There is a large monastic community which has Germany as its origin, hence…

October 12 update

Peter 11

October 12, what a day it was. We slept well on the roof of our Landcruiser but is was cold, very cold. Taking down our camp went fast although we…

On our way!!!

Peter 11

Finally on our way. Yesterday we left at 16:00 for London and from there to Johannesburg where we arrived today at 07:00. Flight was great; I slept very good. Lisa…


Peter 20

Today it is finally D-day or actually L-day. We leave in about 4 ½ hours and are both working this in our own way. Lisa cleans, since this morning 6…

Tamara’s birthday

Peter 6

Tamara celebrated her birthday yesterday with a dinner in restaurant Hosokawa in Amsterdam. It became an emotional evening because we all realized that Lisa and I will be away for…

Car issues

Peter 0

And then the car broke down…… unbelievable. Tonight, Tom went to the gym by car and sent me a picture of a warning on the dashboard displaying that there was…

5 October 2018

Peter 0

Channel fever strikes these days. For whom this expression says nothing, Channel fever is a well-known term in the offshore industry where workers, right before their leave the rig, suddenly…

October 1, 2018

Peter 18

Today is October 1; we will leave for Africa in just over a week. Funny enough, I get stress and I sleep very bad! And that for someone who has…