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Posts published in November 2018

10 November 2018

Peter 4

 We reside now at the campsite of the Nkhotakhota Pottery lodge, close to the village with the same name in Malawi. Yesterday we said goodbye to Monkey Bay and drove…

8 November 2018

Peter 12

Our last day in Monkey Bay. Yesterday we had a perfect rest day with some reading and drinking beer. The fun of the journey we are taking now are the…

November 5, 2018

Peter 8

Nice and quiet yesterday and the same goes for today. We do nothing….. Some pictures of our sleeping spot and the hike we made this morning to a nearby fishing…

3 November 2018

Peter 12

For about an hour we’ve been in the Monkey Bay Beach Resort in the same place on Lake Malawi. Of course it looks different than in the description of…

2 November 2018

Peter 2

Yes, here we are, from Blantyre this time, Malawi, where we stay in the Kabula Lodge just outside town. Today was another bordercrossing in Africa and I confessed to Lisa…

1 November 2018

Peter 4

We are in Moatize after a ride of almost 400 km. Moatize is located just above Tete, about 120 km from the border with Malawi that we will be crossing…