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Posts published in March 2019

30 May, Hout Bay

Peter 2

It is clear that my holiday has affected my computing capacities. My uncle Dick is now 72 and not 70. Sorry uncle! I read all the comments on my blog.…

29 March, Hout Bay

Peter 6

In less than two weeks Lisa and I will be back in the Netherlands. In fact, in two weeks we will dine out with my sister and her husband! Hanneke,…

27 March, Cape Town

Peter 8

What a wonderful weather it is now in South Africa. Since Saturday 23 March we are in Hout Bay in a beautiful country house. Like many of the houses here…

22 March, Cape Town

Peter 8

Yesterday, Tom, Farrah, Luna and Niels left for a short visit to Dysselsdorp. That’s a long ride of almost 500 km but fortunately Tom and Niels are both drivers. They…

20 March, Cape Town

Peter 12

Today is my sister’s birthday. Congratulations Hanneke! Yesterday, after more than five months, we saw Farrah, Niels and Luna and especially the latter had changed tremendously. To compare, see photos…

17 March, Cape Town

Peter 7

Yesterday was the carnival in Cape Town. Tom, Tamara and myself had no idea what to expect but Lisa did. In preparation the street in front of our apartment was…

16 March, Cape Town

Peter 6

For some days we are in Cape Town, to be precise in Green Point near the famous Stadium of the World Cup 2010. We are in an apartment on the…

9 March, Knysna

Peter 9

It’s our last full day in Knysna today. Yesterday we brought Tom to Dysselsdorp and we fetched Lisa’s aunt Cynthia. Because we have often driven the road through George, we…

8 March, Knysna

Peter 2

Today is Tom’s last day in Knysna. We bring him to Dysselsdorp where he wants to spend a few days. We will follow him on Sunday! The day before yesterday…

1 March, Knysna

Peter 9

Last night I slept badly despite the fact that my ankle heals well. This morning I can walk pretty good and the pain is almost gone so that’s good news.…